Online EO Summit and Copernicus Roadshow open to registration

The EO4GEO EO Summit and the Copernicus Eyes on Earth Roadshow, initially scheduled in Zagreb, will take place online due to the pandemic, on 2-3 June. The 2nd Earth Observation Summit is an interactive online conference organised by the Croatian Presidency of the Council of EU and the EO4GEO consortium

The EO4GEO EO Summit brings together representatives of academic, business, NGO and public sector being involved in or having interest for Earth Observation and related areas. The goal is to look in a multidisciplinary manner at the future occupational profiles, necessary curricula, interconnections and tools in the Earth Observation domain with the special focus on user uptake of Copernicus programme. The summit will:

  • Connect real-world problems and work processes as starting point for case-based learning scenario’s
  • Present how to design curricula based on the work processes modelled.
  • Demonstrate Body of Knowledge (BoK) for GI*EO and Curricula Design Tool
  • Provide view how could companies make use of BoK and tools: Occupational Profile Tool and Job Offer Tool
  • Present scenario’s for learning actions
  • provide opportunity to attend sessions presenting EU agencies and programs related to space and space technologies

The Copernicus “Eyes on Earth” Roadshow will take place in parallel to the EO Summit. Participants of all ages will be able to attend interactive sessions designed to bring Earth Observation, space data, and the Copernicus programme closer to EU citizens. This Roadshow will:

  • Inspire you about the many applications of space data
  • Let you explore hands on how space data can be applied in your daily life or work environment;
  • provide you with the tools to act.

For more info and free registration:

Download the programme of the workshop: Programme

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