The EO4GEO Alliance
The reference network to bridge the skills gap between supply and demand of education and training in the Space Geoinformation sector in Europe.

The EO4GEO Alliance is a Network leveraging on the EO4GEO project.
The Alliance aims to maintain, enhance and further develop the EO4GEO project results, as well as to engage its members in new initiatives and projects devoted to achieve the strategic objectives set in the EO4GEO Sector Skills Strategy, for which sources of funding are being identified at European as well as at national and regional level.
Why you should join the EO4GEO Alliance?
Expand your network and connect with geo-spatial organisations and universities across Europe.
By joining the EO4GEO Alliance you will be able to:
Participate in key discussion panels at the EC level regarding skills development in the Space Geoinformation sector.
Have timely information on open and upcoming skills development and capacity building related calls for funding of new projects and initiatives at the EC level.
Participate in and contribute to education and training services developed under the EO4GEO brand.
Be part of a dynamic international partnership allowing you to access and bundle the knowledge and expertise needed to:
- Set-up strong transnational consortia to submit proposals for funding, ensuring that efforts are not duplicated or weakened.
- Participate to tenders and procurements with the right partners.
- Submit offers for commercial exploitation of added value services and training initiatives.
- Propose and develop initiatives to mainstream the results at national and regional level.
Be engaged in the Large Scale Partnership for the Space Geoinformation sector to be submitted to DG EMPL under the Pact for Skills, accessing dedicated service set by the Commission, such as:
- Networking Hub (supporting in finding partners and first meetings, linking with existing EU tools and network of public employment services, promoting the activities of the members);
- Knowledge Hub (access to webinars, seminars, peer learning activities, updates on the EU policies and instruments, information on projects, tools, instruments and best practices);
- Guidance & Resources Hub (access to information on relevant EU funding, guidance to identify financial possibilities, facilitation of exchange between the Pact and national / regional authorities.
Be part of a recognised brand acting collectively towards relevant institutions and reaching out to key stakeholders with a stronger impact.
Have visibility on the Alliance website and promote your activities via the channels operated by the Alliance, including social media, newsletters, sectoral events of interest.
Have power of vote in the General Assembly of the Alliance, participate in the election of the Steering Committee and propose candidates to cover that role and have your say in the definition of the main activities and strategies, as well as of the operational budget, including deciding on the use of eventual surpluses from the activities of the Alliance.
Adhesion to the EO4GEO Alliance
We call all education/training stakeholders in the EO, GIS and Skills sectors to join us in order to establish synergies and collaborate. Be part of the EO4GEO Alliance and let’s discuss and work together on the supply and demand of skills in the EO/GIS sector.
In order to become member of the EO4GEO Alliance, you should fill in the request form and provide your contact details.
You will be then contacted to start the adhesion procedure, which implies the acceptance and signature of the Network Agreement. Your adhesion will be subject of approval by the Steering Committee of the Alliance. Upon approval of the adhesion you will be a full member of the Alliance, being involved in its activities and having full voting rights in the General Assembly of the members.
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Join the SPACE4GEO Alliance
Be part of the SPACE4GEO Alliance and let’s discuss and work together on the supply and demand of skills in the EO/GIS sector. Stakeholders in the EO, GIS and Skills sectors are more than welcome!
Join a Network pooling together expertise from academia, VET providers, company, public institutions, research centres and sectoral associations with the common goal of fostering skills development in the space and geoinformation downstream sector.