From EO4GEO to SPACE4GEO: A network to empower space data users
EO4GEO was an Erasmus+ Sector Skills Alliance gathering 25 partners and 50 associates from 22 countries. From January 2018 to June 2022, EO4GEO developed a set of tools based on a shared ontology, a training and education offer and a sector skills strategy aimed to bridge the skills gap between the supply and demand of education and training in the space geoinformation sectors.
Leveraging on the results of EO4GEO and the Alliance of its members and with the support of the European Commission, the SPACE4GEO Alliance, the large-scale Skills Partnership for the space downstream and geoinformation sector dedicated to space data, services and applications, has been launched by DG EMPL and DG DEFIS on 25th April 2023.

Discover the EO4GEO open resources for Earth Observation/Geoinformation education and training
A Body of Knowledge (BoK) for EO*GI
The description of the Geographic Information and Earth Observation domain should be done by defining the underpinning inter-related concepts (theories, methods, technologies, etc.) that should be covered in education and training curricula.
The development of the BoK for EO and GI has been carried out by the EO4GEO project partners and a network of experts. Get involved as expert to further enrich the BoK!
EO4GEO Tools
A complete ecosystem of innovative tools, with the EO4GEO BoK in the center
Curriculum Design Tool (CDT)
A tool to create, edit and find educational offers in the field of EO and GI.

Occupational Profile Tool (OPT)
A tool to browse, create, edit and share occupational profiles in the field of EO and GI.

Job Offer Tool (JOT)
Allows users to create job and training offers in the field of EO and GI.

Latest news & events
Launching event of the SPACE4GEO Large-Scale Partnership on Space Data, Services and Applications
DG DEFIS hosted the launching event of the SPACE4GEO Large-Scale Partnership in the frame of the Paris Air Show, the 22nd June 2023.
Launch of the Large Scale Skills Partnership in the space sector
On April the 25th and with the support of the Commission, SPACE4GEO, the Large Scale Partnership on Space Data, Services and Applications was launched.
Kick-off meeting of the EO4GEO Alliance
EO4GEO is proud to announce the kick-off meeting of the EO4GEO Alliance on November the 22nd, 2022.
NEREUS webinars: Education and training in the space sector
NEREUS and EO4GEO invite you this 5th October and 7th November to 2 webinars with the aim to discuss new trends & opportunities in education and training in the space sector.
EO4GEO webinar: Delineating Agricultural Parcels Using Deep Learning
VITO and EO4GEO invite you this Wednesday 29 June 2022 to a webinar were you will learn how to delineate agricultural parcels with deep learning, using openEO.
ASITA event: Space Economy and Blue Growth workshop
This June 21th, the GISIG Association and EO4GEO project invite you to the event “Space Economy and Blue Growth”, a workshop in the context of the ASITA 2022 Conference.
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Join the SPACE4GEO Alliance
Be part of the SPACE4GEO Alliance and let’s discuss and work together on the supply and demand of skills in the EO/GIS sector. Stakeholders in the EO, GIS and Skills sectors are more than welcome!
Join a Network pooling together expertise from academia, VET providers, company, public institutions, research centres and sectoral associations with the common goal of fostering skills development in the space and geoinformation downstream sector.