Tools-old 2020-10-27T11:58:53+00:00


EO4GEO will provide academic institutions and end users with open tools supporting Copernicus education and training

A Body of Knowledge (BoK) for EO/GI

In order to be able to design curricula and to define the required skills for the space/geospatial sector, the domain has to be defined in terms of concepts to be covered.

The objective is to build further on previous efforts and extend existing ontologies with all relevant concepts from the Earth Observation domain.
The creation of a network of experts will be crucial for achieving a BoK covering all EO/GI aspects.

A curricula in support of Copernicus

EO4GEO will define possible structures for different curricula for different processes and profiles. These curricula will be used and tested (trough dedicated training actions) in case-based scenarios for 3 EO/GI strategic sub-sectors.

EO4GEO will also provide open tools for curriculum design making use of the developed BoK.

  • The design of a programme structure (in view of a particular occupation of expert profile)
  • A description of its objectives and content
  • The different parts (modules, courses, lectures/assignments)
  • The number of ECTS in case of academic education/training, and the workload and/or ECVET in case of VET
  • The level(s) of the different components according to EQF
  • The definition of pre- and post-requisites
  • The desired learning outcomes

A platform of collaborative tools

EO4GEO will create a collaborative platform based on the analysis of existing components and platforms and the development of new components and tools.

The work will make use of the results of the GI-N2K project (especially the developed curriculum design tool), the platforms and components that have already been developed in the context of the Copernicus programme and generic collaborative education and training platforms.

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Be part of the SPACE4GEO Alliance and let’s discuss and work together on the supply and demand of skills in the EO/GIS sector. Stakeholders in the EO, GIS and Skills sectors are more than welcome!

Join a Network pooling together expertise from academia, VET providers, company, public institutions, research centres and sectoral associations with the common goal of fostering skills development in the space and geoinformation downstream sector.