Optical Earth observation data for landslide risk management
An EO4GEO Workshop | 15 April 2021 at 1:00 PM
his workshop was addressed to both landslide researchers in the geosciences and practitioners from landslide risk management in public institutions and at infrastructure operators.
During the workshop, it was discussed how methods for deriving landslide maps from EO data and for modelling susceptibility can contribute to landslide risk management.
The workshop represented one of the training actions about Integrated Applications in the EO4GEO project.
During the workshop, we presented and discussed the research approach and preliminary results from the MontEO project. MontEO employs EO data to assess the impact of mass movements on infrastructure for the particular case of alpine trails and huts.
The workshop aimed for knowledge exchange: beyond giving practitioners an insight in state of the art EO methods for landslide mapping and modelling, researchers gained a better understanding of landslide risk management and its information needs.
This workshop was held in German language.
15 April 2021 at 1:00 PM. Time duration: 3 h.
Workshop results
The workshop implementation in April attracted researchers and practitioners from the communities of EO*GI and of landslide risk management in Austria and Germany.
The participants engaged in a very active discussion about the capabilities and limitations of Earth observation for landslide risk management. The most important discussion outcome stressed the need for clear communication of the meaning of mapping results to evaluate their value in practice.
The workshop was organized by the University of Salzburg, in the framework of the EO4GEO project.

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