The rise of Artificial Intelligence for Earth Observation 2021-03-11T12:35:04+00:00

The rise of Artificial Intelligence for Earth Observation

An EO4GEO Webinar | 2 March 2021 at 10:00 AM


his webinar addresses the use of AI algorithms in EO applications. Participants will become familiar with AI concepts, from machine to deep learning, from unsupervised to supervised methods. Furthermore, applications in object detection, semantic segmentation, classification, clustering, and data augmentation will be showed.

This webinar is developed within the “Integrated Aplications task in the EO4GEO project.

The basic idea of AI algorithms (random forest, Multi-Layer Perceptron, Convolutional Neural Networks, and Generative Adversarial Networks) and how they are useful in the EO applications will be presented.

During the webinar, the AI4EO Project Team would like to introduce the AI4EO initiative and announce the launch of its first official Challenge. AI4EO is an initiative of the European Space Agency’s Φ-lab that aims to bring the worlds of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Earth Observation (EO) closer together, stimulating and fostering new interaction and collaboration along the way.

The webinar is mainly non-technical, and all AI researchers, EO experts, GIS technicians, and technology enthusiasts are invited.

Webinar recording


  • Presentation of the webinar content
  • Presentation of the EO4GEO project
  • AI – Background and concepts

  • Applications to EO

  • AI to map shadowed coffee plantations using multi-temporal and multi-sensor EO images

  • Poll

  • Presentation of the AI4EO challenge

  • QA

  • Conclusion


Organized by Planetek Italia, in the framework of EO4GEO project.

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