INSPIRE Conference 2018, Antwerp (BE), 18th September 2018 2019-06-17T13:42:34+00:00

INSPIRE Conference 2018, Antwerp (BE), 18th September 2018

The aim of the workshop has been to raise awareness on the activities and results of two cutting edge projects, giCASES and EO4GEO, promoted respectively within the Knowledge Alliances and Sector Skills Alliances actions of the ERASMUS+ Programme, and provide the audience with hands-on examples and demonstrations on the approaches and methodologies planned and/or already developed within the two projects, with an interactive focus aimed at achieving a common shared understanding on how to foster, apply and sustain innovation in teaching and learning in the geospatial sector.

The objectives of the event were:

  • To support the capacity building of the INSPIRE Community with educational and training opportunities, in line with the new strategic approach of the Commission.
  • To raise awareness on the EO4GEO sectoral skills strategy, in the EO Academic and industrial context, presenting the first results and its approach on how it will be implemented through an ontology-based Body of Knowledge for the space/geospatial sector, a series of designed curricula and a portfolio of training modules directly usable in the context of Copernicus and other relevant programmes in view of a long term action plan for a sustainable and systematic collaboration between the actors of the educational/training and space/geospatial sectors.
  • To discuss with the audience on the replicability and sustainability of the presented approaches and strategies, and how to foster the connection with the EU policies of Digital Economy and Copernicus user up-takes initiatives, in view of the addressed long-term socio-economic impact.

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